Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What are you tired of?

I discovered this fantastic site via twitter yesterday (@imtiredof):

For only $10 you can purchase a super cool 'I'm tired of' bracelet - and $5 (yep that's right . . . half the purchase price) is donated to charity.

The bracelets are made from recycled tires and recycled metal - so they are more than just fashionable - they support a cause and they are eco-friendly. How good is that?

The bracelets cover a whole range of causes. From Heart Disease to World Hunger. From Animal Cruelty to Global Warming. If your favourite cause isn't there, then make sure you vote for it from the list of causes they are considering adding to their range, or suggest a new cause.

Take a look at I'm Tired Of and your small purchase can help make a BIG difference!