1 in 6 children in America wonder where there next meal will come from. That's more than 12 million children in America going hungry! Hard to believe that there is that kind of poverty in the midst of such plenty.
I discovered this great way that YOU can help provide 140,000 meals to kids in Austin, Texas through the fantastic Good Concepts blog. Its sponsored by Tyson Foods & Kimball Office and is in support of the wonderful non-profit organisation Share Our Strength.
All you need to do it is visit PledgeToEndHunger.com and pledge to spread the word, volunteer or donate - and you will help Share Our Strength reach their goal of 1000 pledges. Your pledge will provide 140 meals - when the 1000th pledge is made Tyson Foods will donate enough food to feed 140,000 children in Austin, Texas.
Solveig's song
*"Perhaps there will go both winter and spring, And next summer also and
the whole year, But one time you will come, I know this for sure, And I
5 years ago