Image by bobster855 via Flickr
Got a burning issue on your mind, something you want to see changed? Why not start a petition! Its a great way to build awareness and rally support for a cause.Here's a few great places to start an online petition to change the world:
- Petition Spot
An easy to use petition site. Allows you to share your petition, or a petition you have signed on twitter, and has a stylish widget you can add to your blog. -
Far and away the most striking of the Twitter petition sites! With its read and yellow colour scheme it is definitely eyecatching!
It doesn't just stop at looking good though. It is easy to use and has a couple of great features: 1. You can direct your petition at a specific Twitter account and will track how long it takes for them to respond, and 2. It offers and embeddable 'Tweet This' button that will help your petition go viral. YAY!! - GoPetition
GoPetition has active petitions in more than 75 countries! And offers a great set of tools for managing your petition - from filtering swear words to search engine optimisation! - The Petition Site
The Care2 Petition Site has the power of the huge Care2 community behind it. Over a million petitions have been created with more than 39 million signatures collected between them! - TinyPetition
Simple, easy and set up by the good folk at PetitionSpot. - Petition Online
Its not the most beautiful petition site, but it has collected more than 81 million signatures and has tens of thousands of active petitions! - iPetitions
Offers both free and premium memberships. It has some great tools that allow you to customize your question list, set up filters to minimize fraud, and download a real-time database of signatures for your petition. - Twitition
According to Mashable, this is the most simple of Twitter petition sites. All you need to do is create a title and description for your petition and its done! The site tracks all the tweets about you petition. Easy! - Twibbon
Create a Twibbon for your Twitter Avatar to raise awareness about your cause. - PledgeBank
Not your average petition site - more like a peer pressure campaign tool. You set up a challenge to recruit others to take part in a call to action. No one is obliged to do anything until the target number of pledges is obtained.