What would you do if you ran the world?
Join the IfWeRanTheWorld experiment to tap into the "single largest pool of untapped natural resource in the world: human good intentions that never translate into action" and share your ideas . . . and maybe actually get things done!
All you need to do is answer the question, 'If you ran the world, what would you do?' with a tangible, achievable goal: this will be your actionplatform. Your answer might be big or small, global or local . . . Then you'll be asked to break it down into the microactions that need doing in order to complete your actionplatform. Think small, simple, tweet-able. So small, simple and easy to do, in fact, that anyone you invite to microact can only say, 'I'd love to.'
Get started here . . . and turn your good intentions into world changing action!
Solveig's song
*"Perhaps there will go both winter and spring, And next summer also and
the whole year, But one time you will come, I know this for sure, And I
5 years ago