Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sublime Sunday: Lake Rotokare

Sublime Sunday's are all about highlighting efforts to save the world's beautiful places. Like Lake Rotokare in Taranaki, New Zealand.

Photo: Ruth Stewart

Rotokare Scenic Reserve is a stunning 230 hectare forested hill-country catchment, extensive wetlands and 17.8 hectare natural lake.

Aerial photo Rotokare Scenic Reserve.

The Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust formed in 2004 amid concern that the habitat was in decline. They are now creating a 'mainland island' inside a predator proof fence to protect the native flora and fauna in the area and to create a 'flourishing indigenous ecosystem'. Its a truly amazing community conservation project!

Volunteers on a Planting Day

You can help by volunteering in the reserve on a Sunday or by making a donation to the Trust.

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